Q: When are the schedules posted?
A: We hope to have them posted the Monday before the event.
Q. When do we check-in?
A. At least 30 minutes before your first game.
Q. What does a coach need to for check-in?
A. Team roster/waiver completed by each player.
Q. Will games run behind schedule?
A. NO, we will start the game clock on time so don’t be late!!
Q. Is there time for us to warm- up on the field?
A. No, games will start right away.
Q. What type of shoes do we wear?
A. You can wear cleats as it is a turf surface; indoor or tennis shoes are also allowed.
Q. Are there awards?
A. Yes, 1st & 2nd, and awards for all u8 and under teams.
Q. Is there room for bags & benches on the sidelines?
A. No, players just need to bring themselves, water and one game ball.
A couple of reminders:
1. If, for some reason your team can not field a team for a game, please let us know ASAP... so we can find the other team someone to play.
2. Players are ONLY allowed to play on ONE TEAM per AGE division during the tournament.
3. Games will run every half hour. 2-12 min halves, with a 1 min halftime.
4. The game clock starts at game time, so don't be late!
5. Uniforms/Tees must be safe for play on the field and look alike.
6. Game Scores will be updated online throughout the tournament.
7. The home team will be responsible for changing Jerseys if both teams have the same color.
8. Please remember to have FUN! This tournament is for fun so please let your child enjoy it!
Refund Policy:
Should all or a portion of the 3v3 Soccer Tournament be canceled due to inclement weather or just cause resulting in the tournament not providing the play of three games (does not include forfeitures), refunds shall be issued as follows:
Games Played
0 Games - $115 Refund
1 Game - $75 Refund
2 Games - $40 Refund
Games shall be considered played when completed in regulation time, shortened time or penalty kicks. The Midwest Soccer Tournaments will not be responsible for any other expenses incurred by any team or individual. No refunds will be issued for applications withdrawn after the team has been accepted.
Questions please email